Tuesday 22 March 2011

Why You Need Medical Card?

Government staff also need Medical Card.. 

  • Many people assume, government employees receive treatment at government hospitals for FREE. It's true. 
  • But not everything is free. There are cases of patients, even though they are Government staff, they had to pay the cost of treatment at government hospitals.
  • For example ... just see the letter from this Government staff..

  • This proves, sometimes even government employees, we still need a medical card.
  • Medical Card can help you while you need medical attention.

  • Undeniably, the treatment in government hospitals was good, but when we have the choice to seek treatment at private hospitals more quickly and give more comfortable and better service, it is an advantage to us.
  • I consider medical card is  such as "SpareTire" in our car. We don't know when we will use it but we still bring it. 
  • That is the same situation with Medical Card, we don't know when we will sick, that's why we need it..
Remember, if you not prepared by now, the effect is very deep when it's too late....

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